
Content Creation

1. Imagination is the Key to Profitable Content Creation in VR

As many before us have mentioned. Virtual Reality Soft and Hard (ware) has been around for many years. The year 2016 has been a media boom for the market.Technology is gaining ground and offering opportunities to creators and users that were never readily apparent or accessible.

2. What do we know about VR? 

We know VR's future can't be predicted.

We know VR has more then just gaming to offer.
We know VR has and is passing massive technical hurdles.

We know VR will be influencing our everyday life.
We know VR is on a 
media boom

We know VR will require a commitment amongst industry leaders to press forward.
We know VR will require "THINKERS" first, not entrepreneur's driven for profit.

Highly skilled and trained animators will play
pivotal roles in VR gameplay and more.


3. Niche industries like Ticketmaster need to play close attention too........What?

The virtual reality company NextVR has already recorded concerts, like this one by Coldplay, in virtual reality. The company has partnered with Live Nation to begin live streaming VR concerts this summer. (NextVR/Facebook)

Brad Allen is the executive chairman of NextVR. He agrees nothing will replace being there in person.His opinion, people may forego the physical reality of being present at a concert to avoid such things as parking, food, expenses, etc.

It is very easy to get drawn into basic ideas for VR that may seem viable and profitable. Ticketmaster for instance is a perfect example. They are now taping concerts abroad and locally for VR distribution.This may be profitable but it will take a wider broad based approach. Corporations like Ticketmaser are doing nothing out of the ordinary. A VR taped concert serves to share an experience which encompasses all our senses but it can only provide visuals and sound as a means of experience. Agreed, VR visuals & sound are more expansive then TV. The issue lies in developing proper laid out content formats which address all the things that make concerts great. Ticketmaster concerts in VR can be more interactive if .........


Have each and every performer address the VR crowd as well as the regular crowd during concerts. 

This will give the user that extra added experience. 


Ticketmaster should have a small or large venue setup for users who want an even more immersive experience. Just like the thousands that stand outside a sporting event (staring at monitors).

So too, should people be offered the opportunity to experience Ticketmaster Concerts in a closed environment which can embody the experience with more intensity and ferocity then ever imagined. This is what will continue VR in the future. The immersive experience goes further then the technology. 

These venues should encompass, special VR tickets, special seats, temperature controls, food areas, identical retail goods for sale can be sold at VR concerts. This is the future of VR for Ticketmaster.


Just like extras on a DVD. Special VR taped sessions of each group/performer in studio during rehearsals would be a welcome addition to regular streaming content when in concert